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"REAL" UFO & Alien Sightings by Date & Location

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1947: Unknown Date UFO & Alien Sightings

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Date: 1947
Location: Island of Muck Highland Region Scotland
Time: unknown
Summary: 80-year old Alexander Gunn, an angler saw a mermaid like creature right off the coast of the island. The being was a female humanoid in appearance, and sat on a floating wooden box and appeared to be coming her long blond hair. She plunged into the sea when she noticed the witness looking at her. No other information.
Source:Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain

Date: 1947
Location: Valle De Santiago Mexico
Time: morning
Summary: A young farmer was out plowing his field when he was suddenly confronted by a very tall gaunt looking individual, that resembled an albino and with distorted features. The stranger told the farmer that he had been held captive by “humanoids” in the interior of a nearby inactive volcano. The stranger then sketched a formula on a piece of paper which he claimed was the secret to growing huge vegetables, he then walked away and disappeared. The farmer indeed has been able to grow giant vegetables ever since.
Source: Fortean Times # 33

Date: 1947: Near Malta, Little people on a type of submarine.

Date: 1947
Location:   Tucson, Arizona
Summary:  An object was observed and photographed. A daytime disc was reported (Rhodes).
Source:  Keel, John A. UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1970

Date: 1947
Location:  Cascade Mountains, Washington
Summary:  An object was observed and photographed
Source:   Lore, Jr., Gordon I. R. Mysteries of the Skies: UFOs in Perspective Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1968

Date: 1947
Location:   Cortland, New York
Time: 15:00
Summary:  Cigar-shaped objects were observed. Several silver cigar-shaped objects were observed in clear weather by numerous female witnesses, typical age 20. A droning sound was heard.
Source:  FSR

Date: 1947
Location:  Lima, Callao, Peru
Summary:  Close encounter with a an unidentified craft and its occupants. One object was observed by one witness.
Source:  Keel, John A. UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1970

Date: 1947
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Time: daytime
Summary: A young woman driving in the outskirts of Fort Worth saw a discoidal craft 25 ft in diameter passing overhead. Jumping out of the car, she waved; the object tipped, and its occupants waved to her. The UFO then flew away in silence.
Source: Peter Rogerson

Date: 1947: Craft & Two Aliens at Wright Field Dayton, Ohio

Date: 1947
Location: Near Griffith Air Force Base, New York
Time: 1300
Summary: The main witness, Jackie, her brother and cousins had gone to a local store to get some gum and as they headed down the country road Jackie noticed to her left what appeared to be a bright reflection, similar to a mirror being held to the sun. Being the adventuresome member of the four she went off to investigate. What she saw was a large silvery round shaped vehicle on the ground. She approached the craft and strangely a fence seemed to have popped up from the ground in few seconds, surrounding the vehicle. Her cousins tried to pull her but a being (not described) approached her and without moving its lips asked her what she was doing there. The being also said that they would not hurt her. From that point she vaguely remembered her brother and cousins crying. Her next memory was of seeing her parents and her aunt walking along the road looking for them. They had been gone for 5 hours. About three or four months after the encounter a gentleman in military uniform came to Jackie’s front door and spoke for a long time with her parents. She was told never to mention to anybody what had occurred.
Source: Pine Bush UFO


Date: 1947
LocationEcosse, Scotland
Time: night
Summary: No other information.


Date: 1947
Location: Czaplinek – Pologne, Poland
Time: night
Summary: No other information.

Date: 1947 Kingston, Jamaica Sighting

Date: 1947
Location: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: Witnesses saw a low flying luminous triangular shaped craft, inside what appeared to be a cabin several moving figures could be seen. Around the same time there is was an undocumented reported of a UFO landing and contact with is occupants in a place called Bom Sucesso. Close encounter with a an unidentified craft and its occupants. An unidentified object at close range and its occupants were observed by more than two witnesses (Rego). One being was seen. Saw strange being of masculine sex.
Source: GEPUC Brazil

Date: 1947
Location: Platonovo, Oryel Region, Russia
Time: late night
Summary: 7-year old Mikhail Zybunovskiy while sleeping was suddenly awakened by a soft nudge on his side. He opened his eyes and saw a tall entity dressed completely in green. He also wore a cap on his head that shone with a weak orange light. The entity looked like a “soldier”. They boy was very frightened and awoke his mother. She saw the entity also. She asked, “Who are you, Why are you here” in a trembling voice. The entity did not respond. He stood wordless in the same place. The mother rushed into the children’s room grabbed her daughter and hid her under the blanket. The boy hid under the other blanket. The woman began asking the alien again who he was and how he had entered the house. The alien then made a deep breathing sound and vanished in plain sight. After that there was a bright flash of light outside the window, like fire and then it vanished
Source: Aleksey Priyma, “UFO Witnesses to the Unknown”

Date:   1947

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