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2003: February UFO & Alien Sightings

(Last Updated On: July 30, 2016)

Date:  February 2003
Location:   Tualatin, Oregon
Time:  night
Summary:  As the witness boyfriend lay sleeping in bed she got up to use the bathroom. After she left the bathroom she decided to walk out to the living room and have a cigarette before she tried to go back to sleep. The apartment was pitch black. There were no windows except in the bedroom, which was covered with blinds and curtains, and the living room had a sliding glass door to a balcony that was right along side the main door and completely closed up with a drape as well. As she started down the path to the front of the living room she could sense someone walking up behind her. She thought it was her boyfriend and continued down the hall expecting that he was wanted to scare her. After a couple of more steps, she quickly glanced back and was stunned when she didn’t see him behind him, but what appeared to be an outline of a figure with a faint glow around it, she could see the bedroom door behind/through it. She looked straight ahead and continued walking. She was stopped on her tracks as she reached the end of the walkway where it branched to either the entry to the kitchen or the entry to the dining room or straight ahead to the living room. She literally felt as though something was standing in front of her. She was afraid to look up but did glance behind at which time she saw the same outline as before only more defined, there was almost an actual being there though it seemed to glow all around. She quickly turned back toward the living room, as it seemed there was only one presence in front and behind her, but also from the dining room and the kitchen. She was literally trapped by the four separate beings. The more she was feeling and seeing them, the more she could see them take shape. The one behind her seemed to be wearing suspenders and maybe plaid, and was probably no more than 5’7″, but the others seemed quite a bit larger and taller. The whole time that she felt their presence around her she felt a wind moving around at the end of the walkway. There were no windows opened. She could also hear what sounded like unintelligible whispering. During all this she was trying to look away and reach the light on the kitchen entry directly behind her on the hallway wall she was leaning on. She felt as though the presences were forcing her to the floor. She did manage to turn on the light; as soon as she did the room seemed back to normal. It wasn’t cold or windy. Her boyfriend had been sound asleep the whole time.
Source:  UFOs About.com Paranormal Stories August

Date:  February 2003
Location:  Horsham, West Sussex, England
Time:  unknown
Summary:  A friend of Eve Knowles-Martin reported seeing a silver suited 7 foot tall man, which apparently leapt across the width of the road in one bound. There have been other strange occurrences in the area including, strange chemical smells, no birds or wildlife present, an apparent lack of oxygen, rapid changes in temperature, and most strange of all, a bright blue light that upon closer inspection turned out to be a 40 ft vertical blue flame burning in the middle of the woods.
Source:   Fortean Times

Date:  February 2003
Location. Sullana, near Piura La Vieja, Peru
Date: February 2003
Time: unknown
During a heavy wave of UFO sightings that included luminous UFOs, silvery discs and hovering spheres, witnesses reported seeing colored lights hovering above the rooftops and in the same area encountering a tall beautiful blond woman with wild golden-streaked chestnut-colored hair wearing a golden tanga with little silver stars embroidered beneath the waistband. It reportedly vanished in plain sight.
Source: Giorgio Piacenza & Monica Gaetano in UFO Roundup February 2003

Date:  February 2003
Location. Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: February 2003
Time: night
A local resident reported going to the balcony of his apartment when he was surprised to see a beam of light descend from the sky. The beam of light descended from the sky and landed on a nearby balcony, and suddenly a totally naked male figure materialized within the beam of light right on the balcony. The UFO itself was unseen but was obviously hovering high above. The man was apparently semi-conscious and disoriented. Frightened the witness ran back inside, thinking that he might the next abduction victim.
Source: Anton Anfalov, UKUFAS

Date:  February 2003
Location. Near Izmit, Turkey
Date: February 2003
Time: night
The witness was in his vehicle entering a viaduct (bridge) 90kms from Istanbul and as his car slowed down to 120kmh the headlights of his car shone on a bizarre animal or creature crossing the road just ahead of him. It sort of leapt into the highway just from behind the barrier. It then bounded across the highway. The fashion in which it was running was peculiar: it was arching its back as its head was still held low and between its shoulders. It had a shiny gray-silvery color body. It had no tail. The witness hit the brakes in order to give it more time to get across. Just as it got across the 4 lanes and reached the mid barriers, it stopped and rose on its hind feet. It stood just as a kangaroo would stand and looked around. It stared at the headlights as though it was mesmerized for a few seconds. Its forelegs were long enough to touch its knees. Its eyes reflected the headlights, in green. By then the witness had come as close as 30meters from it. It had a slight hunch while standing up and the witness estimated its height at about 1.65m, when it was erect. Then it leapt across the middle barrier and bounded across the other side of the highway, which headed east. The witness further described the creature as having fairly large eyes and no hair.
Source: Castle of Spirits Stories Index

Date:  February 2003
Location. Tel Aviv, Israel
Date: February 2003
Time: night
The female witness, traveling alone was staying at the Mount Zion Hotel reported suffering from a vivid dream of seeing strange creatures floating towards the hotel terrace from the nearby Valley of Hinnom. The creatures (not described) reportedly were silent and menacing and had “bad intentions”. No other information.
Source: UFO Israel Guestbook Entry

Date:  February 2003
Location. Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Date: February 3 2003
Time: 0200A
70-year old Domingo Ramos awoke to the sounds of very loud commotion coming from rabbit cages. Looking out the window he was stunned to see a bizarre winged bird-like creature with long wings and huge protruding eyes apparently “sucking” the blood out of the unfortunate rabbits. Ramos described the creature as about 5 ft tall that also attacked a goat, which it left wounded and weakened. Ramos yelled at the creature, which then rose up and flew away in an unknown direction. The terrified witness described the creature as having “semi-human” facial features. He notified the police in the morning.
Source: OVNI.Net Puerto Rico quoting Miguel Rivera
Cruz “El Vocero” San Juan

Date:  February 2003
Location. Kings Cross, NSW, Australia
Date: February 9 2003
Time: 1600
A local artist was painting the roof of his apartment when he “felt” something watching him. Looking up, he saw a metallic knob or helmet shaped object about the size of a car, hovering directly above him. He could “see” one occupant, a “cloaked” figure, although the object had no windows; this “seeing” was ore a feeling and the witness was in fact sure there where two such figures in the object although he could only “see” one. The object vanished after about one or two seconds, the witness thinks in response to his looking up at it. There was no suggestion that it went anywhere, it just instantly disappeared.
Source: Ralph Bergmann AUFORN NSW

Date:  February 2003
Location. Sierra Bermeja area, Puerto Rico
Date: February 9 2003
Time: 2100
Ismael Velez heard several very loud reports sounding like thunder claps coming from outside. Going outside to investigate he saw a tall winged creature about 6-8 ft tall, with large shiny eyes and large hairy claw-like hands. It suddenly ran and disappeared into a wooded area.
Source: Wilson Sosa, Confederacion De Ovnilogia de Puerto Rico

Date:  February 2003
Location. Sierra Bermeja area, Puerto Rico
Date: February 11 2003
Time: 0030A
Upon hearing noises outside Ismael Velez looked out to see a short apparently nude “little man” with a large round head and large slanted dark eyes running down a concrete stairwell in the yard, it disappeared from sight behind some parked automobiles.
Source: Wilson Sosa, Confederacion De Ovnilogia de Puerto Rico

Date:  February 2003
Location. Near Seattle Washington
Date: February 13 2003
Time: 0230A
The witness (a police crime scene technician) was leaving a scene late one night. It was beginning to rain, and suddenly his car began making weird noises the radio turned on automatically and started tuning to numerous stations a second, the lights inside and outside the car were flashing. When he looked up he saw a huge triangular shaped object above the car, in a few seconds blue blinding lights distracted the witness. It all suddenly stopped and his car was suddenly parked on the side of the road with everything switched off, and when he looked at his watch it was 0303A. He had lost 33 minutes of time. He turned his car on and drove back to his office. (No hypnotic regression has been attempted).
Source: NUFORC

Date:  February 2003
Location. Near Calama, Chile
Date: February 20 2003
Time: evening
A woman from a nearby village reported seeing a round object flying at a very low altitude “about 4 ft from the ground”. According to her, the object came very close to her and tried to “take her away” by using some kind of force to pull her towards it. She said she managed to avoid being “taken” by holding on to a small tree until the object finally gave up and left.
Source: Luis Ferrer, Calama UFO Center

Date:  February 2003
Location. Silver Spring, Maryland
Date: February 22 2003
Time: midnight
The witness (a teacher) was in her room grading some papers when all of the sudden she noticed a bright light outside her apartment. She stepped outside to see what it could be when she suddenly felt a warm sensation come over her body. Her next memory was on being alone, lying on a cold hard table with figures wearing doctor-like masks standing around her. The figures were at least 8 ft tall. They appeared to be “slimy” since the witness was touched in several private places by the humanoids. They stuck a needle in the witness, but she felt no pain. In the background there were more figures that appeared to be the female version of the other ones. The humanoids spoke in an unknown language that could not be understood. The speech resembled a series of clicks and mumbled speech. The room grew cold and she felt “something” being pulled out of her. (She believes it was her appendix). She lost consciousness again at this point. She woke up later and found a scar on her side.
Source: NUFORC

Date:  February 2003
Location. Calama, Chile
Date: February 23 2003
Time: 0130A
Cousins Francisco Araya Carrizo and Jose Carvajal Carrizo reported that as they arrived home late one night they spotted a huge shadowy humanoid figure standing on the rooftop. The figure made an extreme amount of noise as it jumped to another the roof of the terraced patio. Their mother had been hearing somebody running on the roof for the last 30 minutes the men had arrived. Around the same type several witnesses reported seeing a hovering & rotating silvery craft at about 1500 m over the area.
Source: Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center & Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo
Miami UFO Center

Date: February 23 2003
Location: Oswestry UK/England
Time: 06:30
Summary: Egg shaped object travelling about 100 to 150 m.p.h flying below 1000ft, I was about a mile away from object.
Source: NUFORC

Date: February 23 2003
Location: Las Pailas, Salta, Argentina
Time: 0900A
Summary: 24-year old Milagros Linquin had gone into a rocky hillside in order to retrieve her goats when he noticed a shiny object on the nearby hill. Close to the summit she noticed a metallic object similar to a bus, rectangular in shape with numerous visible windows and doors on one of its visible sides. She counted about 8 windows on the craft. The object appeared to be made out of a shiny metallic alloy, which reflected the rays of the sun. Around the craft she noticed other shiny objects, square in shape, some bigger than the others, she counted about 14 of this square metallic “covers”. At this point, her father, 74-year old Don Linquin came up and also noticed the shiny metallic object. In the meantime Milagros had climbed a bit further and was now closer to the object. At this point both witnesses noticed several human like figures wearing white tight-fitting garments moving around the object, apparently working on the shiny metallic covers or plates. There were about 6 figures in total. Don Linquin also noticed, a little further down from the summit three additional human like figures these dressed in black tight-fitting outfits that appeared to be looking around and inspecting the surroundings. After about 30 minutes, Milagros climbs higher in order to approach the object and its “occupants” but when she does, the whole scene appears to have vanished. Later while checking the supposed landing site a deep rectangular track is found on the ground.
Source: Gaceta Ovni, June 2003

Date:  February 26 2003
Location:  Rosario de la Frontera, Argentina
Time:  2200
Summary:  Alerted by the sounds of his barking dogs, 62-year old Patricio Saldaño, armed with a flashlight went out to investigate. He noticed that the dogs were furiously running back & forth from one area of the yard to the other. He then saw standing only about 10 meters from him a huge hairy figure standing on two legs. It resembled a giant ape, which stared at the witness with large bright red eyes. The creature was silent and moved its huge arms in an apparent attempt to scare the dogs away, which curiously did not attack. The creature had long sharp claws that reflected the light in the darkness. His wife and two young children also saw the bizarre creature, which disappeared into the darkness. Several days earlier a dead calf had been found dead and partially eaten.
Source:  Planeta listas quoting newspaper sources

Date:  late February 2003
Location:  Caspana, Calama, Chile
Time:  afternoon
Summary:  A group of Catholic high school students, most of them 15-years of age, reported seeing a strange being near their campus. They heard strange noises on the rooftops of other houses in the neighborhood. They then saw a strange figure standing about 1.2 meters in height. The being appeared to move about not by walking but by making small leaps.
Source:   Jaime Ferrer, Calama UFO Center

Date:  February 2003