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1989: November UFO & Alien Sightings

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Date:  winter 1989
Location: Beyond the Polar Circle, Northern Russia
Time: 0100A
Summary: A woman named Svetlana, a radio operator in the hamlet communications unit was on night duty alone in the radio house. She finished her last radio exchanges around 2300 and son fell asleep near a small stove. About 2 hours later she was awoken by a strong beam of light shining on her face. She opened her eyes and saw a yellow egg-shaped “cloud” emitting the bright light behind the window. The “cloud” or object had diffused edges and what appeared to be 3 landing legs. Several seconds later a whitish shadow floated straight towards the window and right through the window, even though the window had been tightly closed. In a moment this flying entity appeared only a few steps from Svetlana. The entity had arms, legs, and a thinly built body, its face was bizarre. It had two hollow openings instead of a nose, huge, “sad” (wistful) eyes seemingly covered with brown “lids” or blankets, and a narrow slit instead of a mouth. The humanoid entity then stretched its 4-fingered hand and began communicating with the window by projecting mental images. Svetlana later explained that the following image was clearly displayed in her mind: she was lying on a table and the extraterrestrial is having sex or in a sense raping her (!). She desperately resisted, but the image then changed in the following order, the uninvited guest then placed her on a chair and gave her two sips of “juice” to drink from a container shaped like a green tetrahedron. He then stroke her cheek several times gently and then again dissolved through the window. For the next 9months Svetlana literally trembled with fear, expecting to be pregnant, but nothing occurred, to her great relief. She did not tell her husband about the encounter. Soon she noticed that despite her terrific stress, her face and body were apparently rejuvenating (!). Her skin became resilience, all birth marks, moles, etc, disappeared. She soon stopped wearing glasses. Her sexual libido increased 10 fold, which amazed (and pleased?) her husband. Svetlana never encountered the alien again, neither physically or in her dreams. But soon she discovered her amazing ability at wood carving. One morning she awoke with a burning desire to grab a knife and to carve on a log. The first time she did this she made the image of her extraterrestrial visitor and since that day this new hobby has totally consumed her. She created unique collections of wooded figures of aliens—alien men, women and children, all resembling the so-called gray-type entity. Her carvings and statuettes gained high international appraisal and were exhibited in St Petersburg in 1993.
Source:  Leonid Somov, “100 Stories of Encounters with the Unknown” Sevastopol, 2004

Date: winter 1989
Location: Kiskunfelegyhaza Hungary
Time: late night
Summary: A ten-year old girl was sleeping in a bed with her parents when she was apparently abducted. She recalled being taken into a small object by a humanoid described as very tall, wearing black clothing and having human like facial features. The humanoid changed the girl’s clothing and then took her into a large room where she found 8 to 10 other children sitting around wearing the same type of special clothing. The humanoids spoke among themselves in an unknown language and all carried a stick-like implement in their hands. The beings gave the children some type of drink and then stuck a large needle into the children’s thighs. The children were then taken back to their homes in the small objects.
Source:  J Antonio Huneeus, FSR Vol. 48 # 3

Date:  November 1989
Location. Near Judenwiese, Germany
Date: early November 1989
Time: unknown
An amateur archeologist was strolling with his metal detector near this city when he came upon a landed UFO, and standing talking near three of its crewmembers. The craft was about 12m long and 4m high, of tubular or airship shape, with no detectable windows, and with “rounded ends” and of a silvery color. The three occupants, in clothing also of silvery hue, were about 2m high. No further details of their features are given. He addressed them in English and asked if they had problems. They at once replied in German, adding that they knew many of our languages. They confirmed that they were not of this world, but they have great underground and underwater bases on Earth. And they explained that, in coming here, they utilized the cosmic energy, lines of the Universe, and traveled with them, as sailing ships would use the tides and winds. They also mentioned their ability to manipulate or transform matter. He talked with them for three hours, but they would not let him enter their craft. They then went back into it and took off vertically “and made off towards the Moon.” (?)

Source: Helmut Chodan, UFO Nachrichten Jan/Feb 2001

Date:  November 1989
Source: n. Manhattan New York
Date: early November 1989
Time: 0300A
The witness was lying in bed unable to sleep when a very bright white light entered the room. Then three or four humanoids entered her bedroom apparently through the walls and stood by her bed. These beings were described as 5-foot tall, wide, and heavyset, with large heads, large pupil less eyes, no ears, or hair with dark bluish skin. Their hands were very large with thick fingers and nails. They wore white coats down to their ankles. She was asked to come with them and followed them down to the street. There she saw a group of about 30 women walking towards the river. All appeared to be in a trance. She felt drawn to the river and once there she observed three brightly lit hovering disc-shaped objects. A tall thin female humanoid with huge black eyes and wearing a flowing black robe appeared to be in charge. She was called by this being and asked to perform a “test type task.” Next she found herself standing by the foot of her bed with the short stocky beings struggling with her in an attempt to give her an injection. A long needle was inserted into her shoulder and a white substance was removed.

Source: Long Island UFO Update, UFO Universe winter 1991

Location. Near Yucca Flats, Nellis Test Range, Nevada
Date: November 1989
Time: unknown
An alien craft (shape unknown probably disk or cylinder) with a crew of 6 crashed on the territory of the test range, probably after shot down by the US military, six bodies of the small dwarf-like type (probably gray) were found, all dead. The six alien bodies were moved to the nearest deep underground facility near Yucca Flats (laboratory section), for preliminary study at one of the levels there. This was accidentally witnessed by a team of workers (including an electrician). Inside the base the six small bodies were moved on stretchers. There were marines armed with rifles with fixed bayonets pushing the witnesses back and accompanying the stretchers and several government scientists that who ordered the witnesses out of the room. The wreckage of the craft was hidden and then studied most likely at the Nellis test range (or Groom Lake).

Source: Phone call by one of the witnesses to the Billy Goodman talk show, In Nevada on 1989, and Dr. Anton A. Anfalov.

Date:  November 1989
Location. Near Wigan England
Date: November 1989
Time: 0605A
A man driving on the A1 motorway towards his place of work was passing along an area of open land when he was startled to see a huge object hovering about 60 feet above a field. The object was metallic and was segmented like a hand grenade. It had a huge transparent window on one side and on the opposite side there was something resembling a radar dish. Through the window the witness could see three human-looking men that appeared to be sitting at a table talking. The witness drove off at high speed from the area.

Source: Tony Dodd, UFO Magazine Vol. 11 # 3

Date:  November 1989
Location. Barrio Rabanal Puerto Rico
Date: November 1989
Time: 2100
Three juveniles playing behind their house by the roadway suddenly heard a noise coming from the brushy area next to the road. Then a bizarre creature jumped from out of the brush and into the middle of the street. The being was described as being three-foot tall with its body covered with brown hair. It had two huge strong legs, resembling those of a rabbit, it lacked any arms. It had a relative small head with two huge staring eyes and a large mouth with two protruding fangs. The creature had several fleshy tube-like protrusions on its body, mostly on the chest area from which a green liquid like substance was oozing out. The creature made some strange noises and began salivating heavily; it then ran into the brush again and disappeared towards a nearby river.

Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 38

Date:  November 1989
Location. Voronok, Szelkovo area, Moscow region, Russia
Date: November 1989
Time: evening
A militia captain named Yuriy Mishichev was returning home from duty on the road along the banks of the River Klyazma which was covered with a thin layer of ice at the time. Suddenly he saw two silhouettes standing near the water rescue cabin. The “men” seemed to be doing something in a haste, which alarmed Yuriy and he was compelled to approach them. He noticed that the two suspicious subjects were dressed in tight-fitting diver suits. The material of the suits looked unusual, it was a transparent material which reminded the witness of the thin latex used in condoms, and lacked any visible seams. The aliens wore masks on the face area with elongated bulging goggles reminiscent of insects. Yuriy knew the guys from the station and thought that they were testing some kind of new foreign equipment for diving and rescue. So he approached the “divers” and with a smile offer to help. There was no reply. Mishichev then thought since a military space-tracking center was located beyond the river, he surmised that the divers were somehow connected with the Army or maybe they were spies. He approached closer and told the strangers to remove their masks, explaining his request by gesture also, stretching his hand towards one of the strangers. In response one of the men moved his hand away with his palm; at this point Mishichev realized that the “man” had a six digit hand. Finally he realized that the strangers were either military or divers and he decided to arrest them (!) and took one of them by the elbow. The touch on the alien’s body felt very cold while the witness ordered the stranger to follow him. He pulled the alien by the elbow forcing him to take a step towards the rescue cabin, but the alien stopped refusing to walk any further. The alien did not struggle or tried to break loose he just stood still as the witness’s suddenly felt heavy and was unable to walk. His brain felt numb and his body felt like it weighed a ton of lead. Overcoming that terrible torpid state attempting to push and pull the alien, but was unable to maintain the struggle for a long time. His eyelids became heavy, his elbows bended and he fell to the ground like a heavy sack of potatoes. Later he woke up but the aliens had vanished. Two days after the incident the witness heard that there had been a UFO landing at a runway at the nearby Chkalovskiy Air Base.

Source: Secret Files of Soviet Militia “Anomalous News” St. Petersburg # 14 2004

Date:  November 1989
Location. Dalnegorsk, Primorskiy kray, Far East, Russia
Date: November 1989
Time: night
A local peasant was sitting on his sofa at night when he suddenly saw a bright light appear next to him. Two strange humanoids suddenly materialized next to him. The humanoids were a man and a woman, similar to humans but with greenish skin and six-fingered hands, their eyes glowed like flashlights. The frightened witness asked the strangers where were they from, they answered that humans were not matured enough to know those answers. They offered the witness to go with them on a “long” trip. He refused, explaining to them that he had a wife and kids to take care off. At this point both humanoids disappeared in plain sight.

Source: SKYZONE Russia

Date:  November 1989
Location. Leninkent, Dagestan, Russia
Date: November 1989
Time: night
Two hunters on motorcycles and armed with rifles were looking for hares (rabbits) in an isolated area and soon came upon the tracks of a hare and began chasing it. Suddenly the hare froze in place seemingly hitting an invisible barrier. The surprised hunters watched in amazement. Suddenly the engine of their motorcycle stopped and standing two meters from them in the brush the men noticed a giant, one-eyed (Cyclopean) hairy entity. The strange creature had a single green eye in the middle of its forehead, which emanated light. The light seemed to hypnotize both men. Numb with horror the men remain staring at the creature, unable to move. The giant quietly looked at the hunters and in a few minutes walked into the forest, with no gestures or any attempts to communicate. According to the witnesses the entity did not run it just sort of seemed to vanish in plain sight. The terrified hunters wanted to leave the area but could not start their motorcycle engine. Later at home one of the men discovered that one of the cylinders on the motorcycle was inexplicably broken. Afterwards the men refused to hunt in the area for at least 2 months.

Source: Sergey Semenduev “Iks” (UFO Newspaper) Mahachkala Dagestan # 2

Date:  November 1989
Location. Johannesburg South Africa
Date: November 1989
Time: late night
The witness was just going to bed when a very bright light suddenly appeared outside his window. Looking out, he saw a small brightly lit silvery disc shaped craft hovering over a nearby ravine. The object was rotating slowly 20 feet above the ground. The craft had three round-lighted windows and a small door. Several shadowy figures could be seen moving inside the windows. Moments later the craft left.

Source: Timothy Green Beckley, The UFO Silencers

Date:  November 1989
Location. Near Johannesburg South Africa
Date: November 1989
Time: late night
The witness (of the previous incident) heard some voices coming apparently from the ravine outside his window. As he opened the window to check, a very “ugly” greenish man with an unhealthy swarthy complexion that held the window open with an unusually strong grip confronted him. The witness was finally able to close the window and did not ventured out until the morning.

Source: Timothy Green Beckley, The UFO Silencers

Date: November 1989
Source: 11/XX NEWBURG, IN. Night NL MW No sound XXXX
Object over power station scared witnesses. Possible CE1.

Date: November 1989
Location: CREVE COUER, MO.
Time: 9:00 AM 
Summary: DD 1 wit. No sound 30 sec. Three rectangles observed in clouds.

Date: November 1 1989
Location: OREGON 
Time: 5:39 PM 
Summary: NL MW No sound 3 sec. Blue-green fireball. Explained.

Date: November 1 1989: An Alien Detour – Two Russian Truck Drivers See Landed Spaceship

Date:  November 2 1989
Location:  Eden Valley, South Australia
Time:  night
Summary:   The thirty-five year old witness remembers strange occurrences in her house including rattling doorknobs, feeling a presence in the room and experiencing an episode of levitation. She also remembers seeing several entities with large pupil less eyes enter the room and touch her. She felt disoriented throughout the encounters.
Source:    Keith Basterfield

Date:  November 2 1989
Location:  nearby Arkhangelsk
Time:  night
Summary:   On the night of November. 2, 1989, the air temperature dropped to below freezing. The two Russian drivers, Oleg Kirzhakov and Nikolai Baranchikov were driving nearby Arkhangelsk to Moscow and were hurrying home to finish all the business related trips. Within Emtza railway station, the road was blocked by sand and gravel. According to Oleg, the truck’s headlights fell upon a massive structure. Since the road was under construction, they thought it was the machines. When Oleg drove closer, he spotted a huge metallic-like object. The power source of the headlights connected to the back-up was still on. Initially, they did not understand what had happened. Later on, they realized that they saw something unusual in front, and were scared that something unavoidable would happen. When Oleg approached the object, his body seemed to melt and became difficult to move. Oleg turned back toward the truck and approached the object from another direction. Despite the difficulty of approaching the object, he finally succeeded within about 30–36 feet. As he drew closer, he realized it was not of Earthly origin. In front of Oleg, there appeared an enormous disc-shaped object about 120–140 feet (around 40 meters) in diameter. It has a dome-shaped top without visibility of the structures. Together with the perimeter of the disc, there were dark holes evident. Extending from the lower part, there was visibility of two structures, which seemed to support the ship. The object appeared uninhabited and dark, and there were no visible traces of doors, hatches, and windows. Despite the efforts of both men, they cannot open the door for a significant length of time. Suddenly, the door cannot open quite easily. Oleg returned to the place on the road where he stood before. However, he cannot move quickly. Oleg proceeds the corridor for 20–25 feet (around 8 meters). On the hall’s periphery, there were five entrances, similar in appearance to the door he had just entered. His legs and hands were trembling. Twenty minutes had passed from the moment the truck had stopped.

Date:  November 2 1989
Location:  Yalta Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine
Time:  2340
Summary:   Local resident, Ivan Illarionovich who lived on # 18 Kievskaya Street was outdoors taking out some trash near the containers located on Vasileva Street when he suddenly heard a sound like that of horse’s hoofs coming at him from the darkness, and the screams of a man yelling, “Extraterrestrial”! Walking about 10 meters further ahead he noticed a strange figure, about 165-170 cm in height, with hands stretched down on its sides and of a very powerful constitution. The alien was dressed in a dark grayish overall. The alien’s head was broad, but set low on its shoulders. Its face was extremely pale in color; it had a wide mouth that stretched from ear to ear, and small eyes. What appeared to be a small hump was visible on the entity’s back under its suit, about 10-15cm high. The entity opened its mouth and began emitting a strange hissing sound as it apparently saw the witness. The witness glanced at the entity and continued walking. Curiously he felt no fear, only a sense of unreality of what was happening. Suddenly somebody again screamed, “Extraterrestrial”! He again saw the entity this time as it crossed the street in quick broad jumps, stepping on its huge feet in a markedly forward leaning position. Amazed the witness that with each jump or step the alien emitted the sound resembling the clatter of “horse’s hoofs”, or those made by a female wearing very high heels. The alien crossed the road and vanished into the darkness. The witness who was known as being of sound mind and a sober man returned home and reported the incident to a local newspaper.
Source:    Anton Anfalov, quoting “Krymskie Izvestiya” Newspaper, Yalta

Date: November 2 1989
Source: 11/02 PEKIN, IL. 8:15 PM NL 2 wit. No sound 3 sec.
Yellow-white fireball, bright as moon.

Date: November 2 1989
Source: 11/02 GULF BREEZE, FL. 9:40 PM CE1 2 wit. Humming 5 min.
Three bell-shaped objects, gray-blue, illuminated.

Date: November 2 1989
Source: 11/02 WHISPER BAY, FL. 9:30 PM CE1 2 wit. Humming XXXX
Three bell-shaped objects, gray-blue, illuminated.

Date: November 4th 1989: Carp, Ontario Canada Crash

Date:  November 4 1989
Location. Vyksa, Nizhniy-Novgorod region, Russia
Date: November 4 1989
Time: afternoon
Over a dozen students at a local school located in the outskirts of the town suddenly heard what sounded like the rumble of a jet aircraft approaching and they see an object descend from the sky, which resembled two plates placed together about 25m in diameter and about 7 meters in height. The object was of a dark blue color and had a slight gleam along its perimeter. It had four supports on the bottom. It descended over the sports field at about 1 meter above ground. An opening became visible on the side of the object, from which departed a round ball-shaped object about 1.5 to 2m in diameter, the same color as the main object. On the perimeter in the upper section there were some lights and a type of antenna-like protrusion. The object landed about 15 meters from the witnesses on the four leg-like supports. A hatchway became visible and a ladder was lowered to the ground. A figure was then seen descending to the ground on the ladder. The humanoid was about 1.2-1.5m in height, the same color as the object with a large oval-shaped head on which were located three “eyes” two in the front and one on the back. On one hand it held an instrument resembling a “calculator”. It took several steps forward and then a loud squeaking sound was heard possibly emanating from the calculator-like instrument. While moving, the ground in front of it was illuminated by a soft dark blue color. As the humanoid approached several of the students these ran in a panic towards the nearby woods. Later they returned to the site and the object and humanoid had disappeared. On November 13 tracks left by the UFO were photographed. Dents on the ground from the supports measured in depth of 7-10mm, and appeared to be round.
Source: Russian Ufology Digest

Date:  November 4 1989
Date:  November 1989
Location. Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine
Date: November 4 1989
Time: night
A local woman named Lubov Ivanovna Stefan a teacher of economics at the local technical college was alone with her children at home that night as her husband had gone away for the night. As she slept with her young son a tapping sound at the window awakened her. They lived on a 5th floor apartment, so the sound surprised her. Lubov got up and decided to examine the rooms—they had three rooms in their apartment. A bright light like the Sun lit up the corridor. At first she thought that the children had forgotten to switch off the light. But when she returned to the bedroom she realized that the light originated from somewhere outside. Thinking it was a fire; she approached the window and saw a globe-shaped object slowly approaching the apartment. The globe-shaped object was approximately 3 meters in diameter and red in color. At first it hovered at an altitude of about 30 meters, and then descended to the level of the 5th floor. The witness stood near the window totally puzzled at the sight. Eventually the globe approached the balcony to within 3-5 meters and stopped. Some doors opened in the middle of the globe, which resembled the sliding doors of an elevator. From the dark red opening a tall humanoid male figure appeared which then walked step by step and slowly in midair towards the balcony. The witness was seized by curiosity wondering how can a man walk in midair, but strangely she felt no fear. The balcony door was locked but this did not prevent the entity to easily pass through this obstacle and approach to within half a meter from the witness. Meanwhile her son quietly slept on the bed. She stood face to face with the alien. Suddenly the alien said, “Expect a relative to soon die!” The witness thought, that cant be—they had recently buried her father. But the alien then said, “Let’s go with us to our planet for 3 days”. She answered that she did not want to go because she had children. After pondering her answer, the alien man said, “I will return you in three days”. But stubbornly the witness refused the invitation. After waiting for some time for her permission to be taken to their planet, the alien moved backwards, turned around near the window and passed through the wall walking directly towards the hovering globe. After entering the globe the doors closed behind him, and the globe started slowly to ascend. It floated about 20 meters at one level, and then started smoothly to gain altitude. The object then floated towards the Kahovskoye Water Reservoir, while moving to the distance, its color changed from red to green, then yellow, like the color of the moon, only brighter. The object then hovered somewhere near the Reservoir for about 15 minutes and then suddenly vanished. Darkness immediately seizes the apartment. It was now 0245A and at this point the witness suddenly experienced a wave of horror and could not fall asleep until late in the morning. She went to her job exhausted. For the next two days she felt that something was out of place, she sensed that someone was watching her but every time she turned around she did not see anybody. This was repeated several times. Unfortunately the alien prophecy came true. On November 17 her husband’s first cousin died from stomach cancer.
Source: V. Litovkin “Builder” Local Newspaper January 21 1990 and “Aliens are already here” Dnepropetrovsk 1992

Date:  November 5 1989
Date:  November 1989
Location. Anapa, Krasnodar region, Russia
Date: November 5 1989
Time: unknown
An undocumented report about a young Georgian schoolgirl vacationing in this Russian resort town on the Black Sea coast that supposedly encountered a space alien crew. The extraterrestrial abducted the girl, but soon let her go free. Apparently she had refused to go with them on a journey to another planet. No other information.
Source: Alexey K. Priyma, “XX Century, Chronicles of Unexplained Phenomena” Moscow 1998

Date:  November 1989
Location. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Date: November 5 1989
Time: night
Natalya V. Rzaeva spotted a hovering spacecraft shaped like a convex ellipse. A white beam of light emerged from the craft and apparently transported the witness onboard. Inside she met two aliens, a beautiful man and a woman, about 2.2 – 2.5 m in height, with European features, bronze colored skin with a yellowish tint, they had long light hair. They wore tight-fitting silvery overalls with a triangle shaped design on their left sleeves. Both aliens were encased in a greenish aura and both also wore greenish semi-transparent helmets on their heads. The man introduced himself as “Andar” and the alien woman said her name was Nika. They communicated both in verbal and telepathic form. Their language resembled ancient Slavic. The aliens then explained that the Slavic language was brought to Earth in fact, from space, as they have been visiting since ancient times. They are unable to make open contact because “humans do not follow the laws of space ethics.” The craft was about 10-15 m in diameter and was hovering about 30-40 m above a field. Inside the craft she saw some devices, monitors and screens. In the center of the room there was a table hovering in midair without any visible supports, as well as the green streamlined armchairs that were also hovering in the room. The aliens told her that their technology allowed them to travel to almost any place in space very fast, and huge interstellar distances are not a barrier to them. Mrs. Rzaeva was also shown the landscapes of their planet, which they called “Zar” and it was very colorful, picturesque, with bluish waters, luxuriant green flora, fauna, beautiful whitish mountains covered by ice and glaciers. Ecologically pure, very unlike Earth. Their houses were practical ones, without architectural extravagances. The public buildings were looking like Christian churches with gold and silver domes. They traveled in their planet in orange colored teardrop crafts. (According to Ukrainian researcher Anfalov the Planet “Zar” is located in Hipparcos 27435 (HD 38858) Orion star system, 50.8 light years away from our Sun). Apparently there were two other witnesses to this incident. Other sources state that the full name of this planet is “Zarina” which means female Tsar in ancient Russian. The source also indicates that this planet is inhabited by an alien race related to the ancient Slavic Nation. According to Fikret Seithalilov, who is purportedly in telepathic contact with these aliens, the name of the star system of the aliens is “Gorkaalo” or “Ares”, there are reportedly only two planets near that star and the second one is named “Rosh”.
Source: Boris A Skuin & Anton Anfalov

Date:  November 1989
Location. Harare Zimbabwe
Date: November 5 1989
Time: 2100
Mechanical engineer Bruce Manganzai had gone to bed after taking a shower when he suddenly felt paralyzed and unable to move. An immense dark figure stood in the shadows of the room near the door. His first thought was that it was a ghost of his ancestors. The figure suddenly vanished.
Source: CUN Italy

Date:  November 1989
Location. Samara, Russia
Date: November 6 1989
Time: 0400A
The witness heard her doorbell ringing. After opening the door, 2 strange females entered her apartment, located in an apartment complex on Revolution Street. One of the women was dressed in a whole grayish tight-fitting suit, she was “flat” and sat on the sofa. The other woman was younger, and was dressed in a bright blue coverall and had nice features and a beautiful smile. Conversation was done through telepathy. The alien women informed the witness that they had arrived from a flat planet lacking any mountains. Their planet revolved around two suns causing their planet to have neither winter or summer nor day or night (?). They reportedly lived in huge underground cities. They lack a family unit and have very few men, mostly only females (like the mythic Amazon society). Their lifespan is very long, but with time they age, turning gray and flat, wiser, kind and calm. They have no wars and any conflict is easily resolved.
Source: Vladimir I Avinskiy, “UFO Sources of the Truth”

Date:  November 1989
Location. Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Date: November 6-7 1989
Time: 2354
Captain Alexander Kovylkov was appointed deputy commander of a strategic missile position near Krasnoyarsk. The garrison was located about 20-25 kilometers from the main launch pad. He was on duty at night and late at night he went to check on the posts. A huge moon shone overhead as Kovylkov, neatly attired in winter hat, greatcoat, waist belt, holster with gun, and high boots with special leather heels he had specially made for him. Suddenly at about 70 meters ahead of him he noticed three dark silhouettes. His first thought was maybe escaped prisoners (from where?). But he noticed that the figures were disproportionably built and about 2 to 2.2 meters in height. They were dressed in tight-fitting suits of a shiny gray-green material, similar to the material used in the military anti-chemical protective suits. He yelled, “Who is there?” And he grabbed his holster, in response he heard a hissing sound and felt a powerful electric charge strike his chest, he then lost consciousness. His next memory was not to clear; he felt his body being transported through a huge curving pipe, similar to a vacuum cleaner. He was then placed in a kind of examination table face down, in the middle of a round, dome shaped room. Three aliens are in the room, 2 are males, very tall and with very broad shoulders. They appear to have no necks as their heads seemed to be placed directly into their shoulders. Their hands are disproportionably long, their long narrow fingers reaching the knees. The third alien was apparently female, the small breast-like protrusions visible in her chest. This third alien was also athletic built like her companions. They had huge eyes that covered half their faces, narrow pale lips. Several small openings instead of a nose, resembling a small colander, they stood at the head of their bed. One of the aliens had opened Kovylkov’s cranium (he felt no pain), while another alien inserted 3 thin pins into his brain with red pulsating tips. Alexander screamed and lost consciousness again. He came to again after he felt someone slapping his face. He opened his eyes and found himself sitting at a table. The sergeant on duty, Mamedov, was yelling at him asking him if he was alive. It was 0008A, 12 minutes had passed. The soldier explained to him that he was found unconscious near the table. The commander of the unit came running into the room. He had seen the taiga bathed in a blood-red light and next he saw a bright star-like object ascending at high speed into the sky. Kovylkov explained what happened and several soldiers using flashlights began searching the woods. Another curious fact soon came to light; Kovylkov famous heels were missing, after following his footprints, his heels were again found but the copper nails connecting the heels with the sole were missing. It appears that a year after the incident when a doctor attempted to X-ray his head the film will not developed and it was spoiled three times in a row.
Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper, Moscow 8-16-2003

Date:  November 1989
Location. Near Goodland Kansas
Date: November 7 1989
Time: 0040A
Two women driving in a remote rural road began to notice a bright object with multicolored flashing lights maneuvering slowly over the area. They stopped the vehicle several times to get a better look. One time a ball of light descended near their vehicle and hovered above a nearby field. They then saw a cone of soft multicolored light shine towards the ground from under the object. They also noticed strange “black waves” resembling heat waves approach their vehicle. They finally drove away experiencing several types of emotions and feelings. Upon reaching their destination they realized that they had lost 2 hours of their time. Later under hypnosis one of the witnesses recalled floating silently upwards towards a bright object overhead. She found herself in a circular room encircled by windows and panels and lit up by a diffuse pinkish white light. She encountered several 5 ½ foot tall slender humanoids with large hairless heads and tiny pointed chins. They have huge slanted dark eyes and white skin. The beings communicated with the witness using telepathy and seem to glide across the floor gracefully. The witness sees no apparent clothing. She feels calm as one of the beings touches her forehead, she then watches her friend go through some type of examination on a nearby table. The other witness is also regressed and recalls similar details. One of the witnesses reported experiencing a series of nose bleeds after the incident.
Source: John S Carpenter, Mufon Journal # 282

Date:  November 1989
Location. Toronto, Ontario Canada
Date: November 8 1989
Time: 0200A
The witness was in her bed and was having a lot of difficulty in falling asleep, when she suddenly felt a “wave” of energy that began at her feet and moved slowly up her legs. She felt very heavy and became paralyzed. The witness began to feel groggy and was only able to move her head. She opened her eyes and saw several flashing, pulsating lights above her head. Some of the lights pulsated at a different speed. She then became aware of several beings leaning over hear and looking at her. The beings were surrounded with light and had huge dark eyes and also appeared to be very thin. The witness tried to regain control of herself by thinking “I am in control.” She then heard a voice apparently from one of the beings that stated, “she was a strong one.” The next thing she remembered was her body hitting the bed as if being dropped from above. She felt her body tingling and her mouth was very dry.
Source: John Robert Colombo, UFOS over Canada

Date:  November 1989
Location. Petrozavodsk, Russia
Date: November 9 1989
Time: 0525A
Valentina Khotina suddenly awoke and felt compelled to approach the window of her bedroom. The birch grove next to her house was brightly illuminated and she was able to see everything very distinctly. Along a path by the grove moved one after the other a pair of small child-like figures, both figures had a “feminine” appearance and wore tight-fitting light brown overalls. They moved in an unnatural manner with their bodies inclined forward as if “swimming” in water. Their arms were raised upwards so that the witness was unable to distinguish their heads clearly. Both small figures then appear to “swim” up a large tree and as they approached it a silvery glow began to shine from their bodies, the figures then seemed to converge on each other and entangled themselves like snakes (!), at the same time the silver glow around them began to increase in size. The whole scene now greatly resembled the core of a sunflower from which bright orange globes of light emerged. The witness at this time felt a strong malaise and moved away from the window and did not see the strange figures depart. The next morning the witness was on her way to work and was walking past the Museum of local lore next to the birch grove when she suddenly began to hear an incomprehensible conversation, confused she could not see anyone around. And again as she walked by the polyclinic she heard the rapid-fire reverberating voices. That was the last time she heard them.
Source: “Komsomol member” Petrozavodsk November 18 1989 and UFO Navigator 90, 2005

Date: November 10 1989
Date:  November 1989
Source: 11/10 HOLMES COUNTY, OH. Night TR MW N/A
Dogs barked on Friday, the 10th. Large circle, burn, 40-50′ wide found.

Date:  November 1989
Location. Adler Airport, Sochi, Caucasus, Russia
Date: November 11 1989
Time: daytime
A female witness named L. Suhareva arrived at Adler Airport located on the Black Sea coast to place her bags into the automatic baggage locker. There a strange “man” that suddenly entered the room confronted her, the man appeared to be about 25 years of age, taller than average, solidly built, disheveled hair and a pale “serious” face. The stranger looked around the room in confusion, apparently searching for something. He wore a black leather jacket and jeans. His movements were slow and awkward sometimes appearing in slow motion. The “man” then examined the walls of the room, at one time peeping under a bench. He then noticed an electric socket (wall outlet) he poked into with his long wide-place fingers and ordered a man (Ivan) that was sitting nearby to move aside in clear Russian. Everyone in the room was amazed at the behavior of the stranger and reproached him. He tried to say something but then waved his hand and walked out. Several minutes later he returned and leaning over looked into the wall socket again. He was then asked by another bystander name Edward, what was he looking for and mumbled something about a gift and scarf. Suhareva then asked the stranger if he had forgotten his locker number, or had not written it down, perhaps he was looking in the wrong area. In a bewildered look the stranger asked, “What is write down”? And mumbled some other incomprehensible words. Suhareva continued asking him questions and asked what town had he flown in from, the stranger answered “Sverdlovsk” Asked if he came in by airplane or train he thought for a minute, said airplane syllable by syllable and then as if reacting suddenly he yelled, “No, I descended by aggregate. You have different atmosphere here, strong pressure, I became ill”. The people in the room stared at him in amazement, some becoming frightened. But Suhareva preserved her self-control and asked the stranger, “What is aggregate? You mean by flying saucer don’t you?” The stranger then seemed to become angry, reiterating, “No! I descended by aggregate!” The he leaned on Edward’s shoulder and asked for the wall socket, saying that he needed to “recharge”. The stranger then sat on the bench in front of the outlet. Then he grabbed hold of the windowsill with his right hand and stuck his middle finger into the socket (!). He began to shake, his face now covered by strange blue spots. 10-15 seconds later he took his hand out of the socket and vigorously shook his head. The blue spots then vanished. The stranger then stood up and walked towards the door, saying, “That’s all, I remember now!” He was now speaking in a normal tone of voice. When the stranger walked out of the room, two of the men in the room, (Edward & Ivan) experienced severe headaches and asked who the stranger was. Suhareva was convinced that it had been an extraterrestrial.
Source: Letter to several Russian & Ukrainian UFO Magazines and Newspapers, Anton Anfalov

Date: November 12 1989
Date:  November 1989
Source: 11/12 INDIANAPOLIS, IN. Midnite NL MW No sound XXXX
Video of NLs taken. Lights maneuvered at high speed.

Date: November 12 1989
Date:  November 1989
Source: 11/12 FORT WAYNE, IN. 9:15 PM NL 2 wit. No sound 8 min.
Dome w/lites observed. very unusual light patterns.

Date:  November 1989
Location. Gyomaendrod, Hungary
Date: November 13 1989
Time: unknown
A farmer was confronted by two short green humanoids with long ears that apparently paralyzed him with an unknown force before disappearing. No other information.
Source: FSR Vol. 35 # 4

Date:  November 1989
Location. Keckskemet, Hungary
Date: November 13 1989
Time: night
Several days after Hungarian Air Force jets were followed by a strange spherical orange object, two soldiers on duty at the local airport saw a four-foot tall glowing green figure walk around a plane, then it lifted one of its arms creating a cone-shaped light beam above his head, it disappeared silently into a high-rising tunnel of light.
Source: Timothy Good, UFO Report 1991

Date: November 15 1989
Location: Near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Time: 2045
Summary: Near an apartment complex a witness looked out a window and was badly frightened when she observed a tall creature with a white rounded head, human like hands and feet and what appeared to be blue eyes. The figure was gliding above the roadway, then glided backwards and then was lost from sight.
Source: Stan Gordon, PASU

Date: November 15 1989
Location: GULF BREEZE, FL.
Time: 9:00 PM 
Summary: NL 2 wit. No sound 6 sec. Beige cigar, 20-40′ long went behind trees. Possible CE1.

Date: November 15 1989
Location: Iver Heath uxbridge. NW London Thames England
Time: 10:00
Summary: I was eight coming up nine years old, when me, my mum and dad were going out to see my nan and grandad i always remember because it was late at night and i always like going with my mum and dad when i was eight it was dark and as soon as i walked out door off the house with my mum and dad i was excited to go and see nan and grandad because they lived on a caravan site it was brilliant anyway worry set in and i was no longer feeling excited with joy it was now more like panic and a quite frightening feeling, now looking back i was nine and probably had the right to be scared, because the minute me , my mum and dad stepped out of the front door of our house i dont no who saw it first but there was like this salt of swirly thing going on in the sky late at night over the top of the roof the house and by this time we are all stunned for a moment i remember saying whats that up there and i wanted them to say something but they said i don’t know i wonder what that is then i mean it wasn’t exactly really screaming out at your but it seem really high up u could see the stars i remember but these were not stars and whilst i’m looking at them i remember my dad saying its chimney smoke in it, and i remember saying no its not that chimney smoke but i could see what he meant because the ufos we all saw inc mum who just didn’t say much about them maybe she just believe in them and probably believes they were aliens crafts or something, anyway i always chatted to my mum and vice versa she never stopped chatting to me but after that she were quite stunned and a bit nervous that night wear as my dad always the funny one tried to ignore it so i said to him its not chimney smoke its ufos ain’t it, anyway i don’t no who it was but me or someone said that’s not smoke that’s impossible no one has fire place they got central heating systems not coal fires and he said yeah sure enough i mean it was a council estate where we lived, so when we ventured to the site in car i thought we my still see it and i remember running to! my mate s caravan trailer at the end of the site and the site was located in the country style environment i mean it was covered with fields and trees and canals so i knew i could get better view because my street had lots of light so it was hard to look up even though u could see the stars it would be better in darker place to see more clearly anyway even though it was late i knocked on his caravan door i remember he s dad saying who’s that because i was outside in dark anyway his caravan door opens right up and i say because i know what i can see so i wasn’t worried about how late it is even though it must of been between nine at night to about ten thirty that was late to me i didn’t want to knock but i could still see these things high up faintly, so i thought they would want to see so anyway they look up and i had to show them because the object were hard to see with naked eye but i had no problem an d now me my mate his dad are all outside there caravan looking up from over towards uxbridge area at what i can describe as looking just like normal stars i mean they were same size, same brightness, just like a star but fainter but there were three or four wen my mum and dad and me saw them first down our street but now because of the darkness and quiet u could look and study them better and there was now 8 or nine and they seemed so high up they looked like stars but i knew they was not because they were flying i presume really fast, well faster than any plane because it would take a plane 2mins to turn, at the speeds these objects were moving they could fly in all different directions but these did circle rings around each other then u could see couple more appeared outta nowhere it was scary because i’ve never seen object really high up i mean they were probably on the edge of atmosphere thinking we couldn’t see but they kept flying in rings circles and all sorts of flight movement mostly circular patterns similar to olympic ring logo shape they were definitely not aeroplanes because no flashing light plus u cant have a ! 14 or so plaines do circles and hoops i’m sure airlines will not allow that where as these object moved and sort like stars but wen u looked closer and studied u think they look like something out of star wars film u know like the fighter spaceships small in size than the big battle ships it looked like those but really far far away i’m not meaning to be funny there, that just happens to be best describe my ufo experience when they went in circle or upside loops they did have like tail of what a football would leave behind it u saw someone hit hit fast u see slight fainty effect behind it, all this happened on a winters night of 1989 in berkshire area.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: November 15 1989
Summary: Strange circular depression found. Note prior sighting.

Date:  November 1989
Location. Dallas Texas
Date: November 17 1989
Time: night
While relaxing in a Dallas cocktail lounge with his friend Melanie King, Bob Oechsler suddenly experienced an almost indescribable sensation, similar to that reported by a witness in a previous incident in Colorado. Lasting no more than thirty seconds, the sensation began with a series a “waves” of energy at the back of his head, simultaneously inducing a sense of acute panic. “It was as if a whole range of memories, information, and emotions was being retrieved or generated at tremendous speed,” Bob tried to explain. Melanie, sitting behind him, felt nothing, but realized something was wrong by the look of panic on Bob’s face. He then became aware of a man standing some distance away, which he somehow felt convinced was responsible for the mental “intrusion”. The man appeared to be in his late twenties, was around six feet tall, with fair hair and “real clean, reddish-tanned skin”. Bob jumped up and pointed right at the stranger and Melanie took off toward the entrance where the guy turned to walk out—she ran out and caught up with him. A little while later she came back in a stunned state. She said she caught up with the man, went past him, stopped, and looked him right in the eyes. But he didn’t look at her, it was like she was not even there—he walked right past her. In fact she doubted herself when she came back. She said that the stranger’s pupils were diamond shaped—laterally, like a cat’s would be vertical, these were horizontal. Later on his return to Maryland Bob began to experience severe difficulties with his short term memory.
Source: Timothy Good, Alien Contact

Date:  November 1989
Location. Sosnovka, Vileyskiy region, Belarus (USSR)
Date: November 17 1989
Time: night
The same night that a huge red sphere hovered over the area in the streets of the village several witnesses spotted a huge 2 meter tall figure which appeared illuminated from within. No other information.
Source: “NLO” 1990 # 1

Date:  November 1989
Location. Tarnaszentmaria Hungary
Date: November 20 1989
Time: night
Several soldiers at the local army barracks noticed a curious mist in the sky with lights inside. Moments later a Saturn-shaped object flew overhead disappearing towards the forest. A powerful beam of light that made them sick briefly illuminated two of the guards. Later that same night another soldier reported seeing several 10-foot tall figures in a forest clearing facing the barracks. The figures seemed to move in slow motion. All the animals in the area became frantic.
Source: Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991

Date:  November 22 1989
Location:  Lorraine Vosges
Time:  2:00
Summary:   On November 22, 1989 around 2:00 in the morning, a woman observes through her window, the fast passage of a form resembling two superimposed cylinders of an overall length of 10 times that of a plane. The object was of red-orange color and surrounded by flames. No noise was detected. The witness awoke her husband who could see the phenomenon.
Source:   GEIPAN 

Date:  November 1989
Location. Forest, Hainault, Belgium
Date: November 22 1989
Time: 2015
Mr. & Mrs. Dupuis were in their vehicle outside the village of Forest when they noticed a strong luminosity coming from a bakery and a group of buildings. They then see appearing above a house about 20 meters away, an object with lights arranged in the form of an equilateral triangle. The buildings are now bathed an intense light. Mr. Dupuis stops the vehicle, cuts the engine and sees a large dark triangular mass carrying lights at its base. The object is about 10 meters in diameter. Between the lights he notices a rather broad cupola and perceives movement through the cupola. At the rear of the object there is a tube-like protrusion visible. Mr. Dupuis leaves the car and approaches the object prudently where the machine crosses the road. Abruptly, the object balances itself above the road and it descends 1 or 2 meters and emits a reddish-blue flame from the tube-shaped protrusion at its rear. At the same time Mr. Dupuis hears a light whistle. The object is now less than 10 meters from the witness and flies over the road at 5meters in altitude; it brightly illuminates the ground below it. The object continues west over the road towards some nearby high voltage power lines 300 meters away. Suddenly Mr. Dupuis again perceives a movement through the cupola and sees a white figure. Dupuis then frantically waves at the object and it suddenly vanishes in plain sight. The observation lasted 5 minutes. Mr. Dupuis suffers from sleep disorders soon after the incident and his wife suffers a nervous breakdown two months later.
Source: Inforespace # 79 4 & 5, VOB 2 SOBEPS 1994

Date: November 22 1989: Arrowhead triangle spotted during night launch of Space Shuttle

Date: November 22 1989
Location: GREENWOOD, IN.
Time: Night 
Summary: NL 1 wit. No sound XXXX Extremely bright lite observed. Possible CE4.

Date: November 28 1989
Date:  November 1989
Source: 11/28 EVANSVILLE, IN. 1:30 AM NL 1 wit. No sound 3 min.
Security guard saw slow orange ball that later had steady red lite.

Date: November 30 1989
Date:  November 1989
Source: 11/30 PENSACOLA, FL. 6:30 PM NL 6 wit. No sound XXXX
Huge glowing object hovered over Gulf, then moved west.

Date: November 30 1989
Date:  November 1989
Source: 11/30 MIDWAY AREA, FL. 10:00 PM NL 1 wit. No sound 7 min.
Car, EM effects, 2 very large triangular objects, 100′ above ground.

Date: November 30, 1989: Manhattan Abduction (Linda Cortile Napolitano)

Date:  November 1989
Location. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Date: November or December 1989
Time: night
A 6-year old girl, Tanya Kuzina claimed to have been visited by extraterrestrials one night. In the morning she told her 30-year old mother, Mrs. Natalya Kuzina. According to Tanya, several humanoid male aliens somehow entered her bedroom. They all wore large transparent helmets on their heads that came down to their shoulders. Metallic antennas, resembling small horns, were visible on the helmets. The men told the girl, “Lets be friends”. Frightened, Tanya asked the men who they were. They told her that they were from another world and then departed. Her mother did not believe her story. However several days later according to Tanya the strange “men” returned. The visitors further explained to Tanya that they lived in another more beautiful world, which was very pleasant in nature. Tanya then asked if they had trees in their world and the aliens said that their trees resembled large “cucumbers”. “What do you have there besides that” asked Tanya. The aliens then explained that they had special apparatuses, which they used to “puncture holes between worlds” (to travel?). They said that their world was parallel to that of earth. They told the uncomprehending young girl that once they puncture a hole, the space “converts” into something akin to a gravitational collapse. The aliens pointed out to Tanya that she was a good girl and had the necessary “resonant frequencies”. She was then asked if she wanted to visit their ship, she said yes and in a moment she appeared inside their spacecraft. The men pointed to a console with numerous buttons and asked Tanya if she wanted to press a button (!) she agreed and was told to press a certain button but not to touch the other ones. She was told that the other buttons were responsible for the temporal shift and “converting space.” The aliens also said that there were very few people on earth that they could communicate with and that Tanya was one of them, the reason given was that she was “underdeveloped”. That she had rare “atavism” in her body. The aliens explained to Tanya that atavism was contained in her head as a “third eye”. Finally the aliens told Tanya that they would eventually take her with them when she became an adult.
Source: Alexey K. Priyma “Unknown Worlds” Moscow 1996

Date:  November 1989

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