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1991: November UFO & Alien Sightings

(Last Updated On: January 22, 2018)

Date: November 1991
Location:  Near Prahlad Nyi, Russia
Summary:  A Russian military fighter aircraft shot down a UFO. The UFO crashed near this small town, north of Kabardino-Balkar Republic. The UFO and its undescribed occupants were transported to Zhitkur
Source:  Chronology of UFO Crashes in The Former Soviet Union

Date: November 1991
Location:  Near Warrington, England
Time:  0200A
Summary:  Returning from the movies, three witnesses were driving under a heavy rain when they approached a roundabout when the driver noticed something unusual—a white Toyota Saloon was parked up right in the middle of the roundabout, actually on the grass center. Thinking that it had been stolen or abandoned, he slowed the car. Now all three men noticed that there were two strange-looking occupants. Both of them had huge heads, one which looked like a giant upright raisin, no obvious features, and one whose head in profile was shaped like the African continent, with a protruding dome to the back of the head. Both seemed to have had dark glasses on and were looking directly ahead. Both heads seemed to be very dark and leathery in texture. As it was late, dark and raining heavily, the witnesses were unsure about what they had seen, so they circled the roundabout 2 more times to get a better look. Indeed the two strangers had massive, misshapen heads and seemed to be wearing dark glasses. They didn’t look like they were in trouble, so the witnesses drove off and did not return.
Source:   Fortean Times

Date: November 1991
Location:  Devon England
Time:  0330A
Summary:  A family experienced numerous “paranormal” and other events in their home, usually at night. They heard footsteps and other noises. One night the wife woke up with something pushing against her chest. She could not see anything. Another night she woke up and saw what appeared to be four “people” in her room. They were apparently transparent and were wearing what appeared to be “old fashioned clothing.” Incredibly, standing further back from them was what the witness described as a tall “gray” creature, similar to the oft-reported “Grays” of certain UFO incidents.
Source:  Malcolm Robinson, SPI

Date: November 1991
Location. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: November 1991
Time: afternoon
The witness (an adult single mother) was sitting alone in her terrace relaxing when she suddenly found herself transported into a circular room where she was met by a very tall blond male figure with “incredibly” blue eyes wearing a white tunic like garment. In the chest area she could see what appeared to be a six-pointed star, encircled by a blue ring with gold-colored stars. The man took the witness by her hand and took her into a room where she saw a circular table and two elderly appearing men wearing white tunics sitting around it. She was told to sit on a chair at the end of table and was handed over a manuscript for her to read. Soon she found herself back in her terrace without any memory of what she had read. (Involved in other experiences).

Source: Ciudad Futura.com

Date: November 1991
Location. Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Date: November 1991
Time: night
An anonymous witness watched from his vehicle a wolf-like creature crossing the road in front of him in a bipedal fashion. No other information.

Source: Scarlett Sankey, Strange Magazine # 10

Date: November 1991
Location. Pidan region, Russia
Date: November 1991
Time: night
Tourist camping in an isolated area watched a dark winged man-like figure gliding over their tents. The creature flew over a nearby brook and then landed in a thicket. It stood there and observed the witnesses who did not approached. Later the creature disappeared into the woods.

Source: Paul Stonehill, Fate, November 1992

Date: November 1991
Location. Uver-Hanngaiskij, Mongolia
Date: November 1991
Time: evening
Two eight-year old girls were walking home when they saw something resembling a dense “cloud” descend towards the ground in front of them and land. Both girls felt a sort of vertigo and the feeling of floating. However, they recuperated and ran home terrified. The next day both girls found the strange cloud this time on the ground and a humanoid figure was seen to come out of it. The humanoid was holding something resembling a “musical instrument” which he apparently used to communicate telepathically with the two girls. The humanoid was about 2 meters in height, with large pointed ears, large feet and digit-less hands. The girls were invited onboard the cloud, which now had turned into a large disc-shaped craft with circular shaped windows around its perimeter. They were apparently given a short ride onboard the object and then deposited back in the same location.
Source: Gianni Favero, Revista Di Informazione Ufologica # 12

Date: November 1991
Location. Kyrola, Jarvenpaa, Finland
Date: November 1991
Time: 2100
A 29-year old female was watching television sitting on an armchair in her living room. Suddenly a strong wind-like force began to circle her, beginning at her feet. She attempted to stand up but was not able to do so. She was paralyzed. With her mouth opened, her head rose up. She could not close her mouth or turn her head. She could see in front of her on the left side a holographic picture of a small creature half a meter in height, lying on a bed, it had one hand under its jaw and was kicking its feet nervously. She could do nothing but watch the creature and feel angry. After about 10 minutes she was shown a large star map, and when that image faded she send a message in her mind that she did not want to go to the humanoid’s place of origin and that she was terrified. The humanoid now moved to a sitting position and a long tube of white light reaching some 50 meters outside the window appeared in front of him. The image of the humanoid then faded three times, after which only fuzzy lines remained. She was not able to see the face, hands or feet of the humanoid.
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland

Date: November 1991
Location. Sverdlovsk, Russia
Date: November 1991
Time: night
Someone pushing down hard on him suddenly awakened 42-year old Victor K at night. After opening his eyes he was surprised to see a man dressed in white clothing standing before him. As Victor attempted to rise from the bed he found himself totally paralyzed and unable to speak. Mentally he asked the stranger the following question: “Who are you”? Suddenly the stranger turned to him and Victor was stunned to see that instead of a face he had what appeared to be a “plate” or flat screen on his face. And then Victor saw unknown images and pictures running through the screen. Somehow Victor understood that this was the means to communicate with the stranger. Victor then asked, where are you from? Reciprocal picture appeared on the facial screen of a volumetric image of our galaxy from a different point of view, in successive pulsations it presented several celestial bodies. Victor then asked, “What will happen to the earth? Reciprocal picture: Large apple tree, under it an anthill. Apple tree grows; it becomes large and moves aside the anthill. On the spot where the anthill grew now he sees hundreds of dead ants. Victor then asks, “How can we save the Earth? Interestingly instead of a picture he received a telepathic answer, “Stop the unrestricted use of energy and the use of “atoms”, energy on earth is obtained irrationally. The tenth planet of your solar system perished because of this reason. Victor then asked, what is the time difference between you and us? Reciprocal picture: A quiet calm creek and a stormy waterfall then the numbers, one year and ten minutes. Victor then asked, how do you moved in space? A voice answered, “We do not move, we are everywhere all the time”. Victor then asked, are the UFOs your ships? He then receives a curious answer, “No those are terrestrial in nature, and we don’t use them”. Victor, Why did you contact me? He heard a voice, “We want to make you our representative on Earth”. Victor then added, Why precisely me? Voice answered, “You possess sequential thinking. We need a representative since we expend to much energy during terrestrial materialization.” Victor was then shown what he understood was a very ancient book. Some of the pages were black. And suddenly he understood that it was the bible and some of the information within was incorrect. The stranger then promised Victor that he would return in six months and then noiselessly dissolved into thin air. Victor was then able to rise from bed and walked over to the kitchen where he felt as he was running a fever and fell exhausted to the floor and slept until the next morning. Six months later Victor suffered from unexplained seizures, headaches and strange markings were found on his body. Several items except for the bible unexplainably caught fire in his house and were completely reduced to ashes.
Source: Svetlana Semenova, X-Libri UFO, Russia

Date: November 1991
Location:  Falmouth, Kentucky
Time:  Afternoon
Summary: The witness states he was working on a 160-acre farm at the time, and one day while eating lunch with a friend, he was told that there had been some hunters sneaking on to the property. He finished lunch, got his gun and started walking down the fence row, planning to cut into the woods and sneak up on them. He had been out there around 45 minutes to an hour and was making his way through the woods when suddenly something stepped out from behind a tree. He yelled, ‘friend or foe’ and pointed his gun at it. He couldn’t believe his eyes, because there standing in front of him and his gun was a 3 & ½ foot tall grey being. Suddenly the witness felt the being talking to him telepathically and he had the feeling that it was a young female and it was scared and telling him it was going to run up a little knoll. Just then it took off running up that knoll. He followed it with his gun barrel as it reach the top of the hill, suddenly there was a flash of light and a sort of portal or door opened up out of nowhere. It was about four feet wide and probably eight feet tall, it was brightly lit inside and he could see the little being standing in it. Now it looked like it was wearing a tight-fitting black suit of some sort. Suddenly out of the corner of his left eye, he saw what looked like something running towards him. He wheeled around and right in front of him was a lizard-like humanoid about five to six feet tall, and he was holding a long staff like thing in one hand. According to the witness the humanoid’s face was more insect-like and it had blue eyes. Again he had the feeling that it was the little female being’s ‘father’ or ‘guardian.’ At this point, suddenly to his right a seven or eight foot tall, brown, hairy, Bigfoot type creature suddenly appeared standing there. The witness didn’t hear it speak but heard in his mind, “No, don’t hurt him.” Just then the lizard-looking humanoid looked right at the witness and his eyes changed to a yellowish gold color. The witness then turned to run and when he did, he suddenly found himself standing in the woods alone, and it was night time. He stood there in shock for a moment trying to collect himself, he then began to walk back home. Once he arrived at the farmhouse he found another farm hand that said that they thought that he was ‘lost,’ as they had been apparently looking for him. He didn’t say a word about his encounter. 
Source:  MUFON

Date: November 1991
Location. Budapest, Hungary
Date: November 5 1991
Time: night
The witness was walking home when three tall hooded figures approached him from a nearby open field. As they passed by him one of them touched him and he was suddenly overcome with a strange feeling. He turned around and the beings had already vanished. Later that same night while relaxing in his apartment the same three beings appeared before him and vanished. He felt a slight itching sensation on his forehead and after checking his face he found a small red spot on his temples.

Source: Unicus Vol. 3 # 3

Date: November 1991
Location. Beit She’ an, Israel
Date: November 6 1991
Time: night
There was a “visitation” of a giant to the home of police chief Yitzchak Mordechai in the north of Israel. This led to a six-hour chase involving 300 soldiers in 19 jeeps all the way to the Jordanian border. The being is said to have stopped at the border fence and disappeared. (Other sources indicate that what was seen was a huge triangular shaped craft).
Source: Jam-packed Bible—Xtra Terrestrials

Date: November 1991
Location. Budapest Hungary
Date: November 8 1991
Time: night
The same witness as in the previous case was lying in his bed when he got the impression that someone was watching him. Moments later a man wearing a bright suit appeared near him. The alien told him via telepathy that “he needed him because he was not an average man,” he then walked through a wall and disappeared.

Source: Unicus Vol. 3 # 3

Date: November 9 1991
Location:  Daviston, Alabama
Time:  night
Summary:  The witness was riding around some back roads when he saw a bright light in the trees about 150 yards away. Next he saw the light come out of the trees and then noticed a round, but flattened “cloud” emerged behind the light. The cloud followed the bright light and flew over the witness and his vehicle. The light and cloud lit up the road around the witness. The vehicle engine then went completely dead. The next thing he remembers was traveling further down the same road and noticing behind him the white ball and two clouds this time. Upon reaching home his family noticed that he smelled like “burnt cinnamon.” He also found reddish purple stains on his hands that he could not explain. His vehicle had two 4-5 inches long, and wide, splotches on the front driver’s side. He developed health problems weeks after the incident. The witness also noted a time loss. Later under hypnosis, he recalled that the bright light had been really a saucer shaped vehicle. He had attempted to grab a shotgun, but was prevented by a four-foot tall gray humanoid that took him onboard the object. Onboard his eyes were examined and apparently an implant was taken out from behind one of them. The being that performed the surgery was smaller and brown in color. Later he was taken to an upper floor inside the craft, and there he encountered humans in military style coveralls. One was apparently a flag rank officer. There he passed out while being examined again. On waking up he found himself being helped by a young soldier, athletic appearing with short cropped hair. The next thing he remembers was being escorted back to his vehicle by the “gray” type alien.
Source:  John C Thompson

Date: November 11 1991
Location:  Florida 
Time:  04:44
Summary:  “What happened to me was… November 11, 1991. It was 4:44 in the morning. There was a huge light outside my trailer. It was in a rural area. And like an idiot, I opened the door up and next thing you know, there was a blue neon beam and I was pulled up into a ship. I remember the ship was silver and it had rivets on it. I do remember that it had some kind of weird hieroglyphics or something around it. When I got inside there was a little grey alien guy. There was about ten of them. I looked around it was all like metallic on the inside. There were gurneys with bodies immobilized laying around. What happened was, I got really scared. And when one of them came near me, I started fighting them. I started hitting them and punching them. Next thing I know, they produced their leader or whatever. It was a tall guy, one of the ones… He had a big head too, but he was all wrinkled up. He had a white lab coat on and he came out and he said to them telepathically, ‘Don’t worry, I know her. This one fights too much.’ And he was just kind of grandfatherly to me. He was very nice. He immobilized me immediately. So I’m on the gurney. The only thing that I remember that they did to me was they took a big long, probably 12 inch wire-needle-like thing and put it in my neck and next thing you know, I was back in my house. I still have a lump where that thing was and no doctors can tell me what it is. I became pregnant immediately and when I went for a sonogram, this was probably like December, the baby had wings. All the medical staff freaked out at the hospital. I kept the picture of the sonogram. I texted you earlier (talking to Clyde Lewis). And the baby did not survive. So the after effects of this whole situation is I do see 444 all the time, on the digital monitors and the clock. Or I’ll wake up at that hour. And I do have electrical issues, going through checkpoints, putting out streetlights, portable dryer, the microwave. It costs me money. It was a harrowing experience because I have a feeling if I did not fight off those little grey ones with the big heads that they describe. The pictures of them is very similar to the ones that I saw. I think that worse things would have happened because I did see at least six gurneys with immobilized males laying on them. (Clyde asks about the hospital reaction to the sonogram). They freaked out and went and got more medical staff to X-ray. They went ‘Oh my god! Oh my god!’ And it was the Catholic hospital that did it. It was actually in Buffalo, New York. I have the sonogram pictures. I blocked out my name because I didn’t want anyone in my profession to know about it. I haven’t really told anyone. I did have a witness. My partner was with me at the time and he would not say a word. Not a word. He’s a Vietnam vet and he would not say anything. He would not even talk about it. I never heard from anybody. I never told anybody. At the time, I lived on an Indian Reservation. I’ve never told anybody about it except my partner’s mother and that was it because I didn’t want to be stigmatized. I didn’t want people to say, ‘Oh, you’re nuts.’ But it happened. I mean, it’s craziness. But the worse things was, the alien doctor guy with the lab coat, he was all like glowing, and kind of like beaming, like ‘Oh Oh, I know this one.’ Like he knew me. And ‘She fights way too much.’ and I just was immobilized.”  
Source:  Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis – January 8, 2018

Date:  November 12, 1991: Grangemouth Electric UFO Photo

Date: November 16 1991
Location:  Hipódromo de Victoria, Argentina
Time:  0215 A
Summary:  7 witnesses observed a bright light behind the local airfield. Immediately they began signaling the light with their flashlights. The reaction was immediate, the light began approaching their location. Soon after that a bright glow was seen hovering over a nearby wood, about 100 meters away from the witnesses. The witnesses used a pair of binoculars to look at the object and could see that it was very large. They also saw two short luminous humanoid figures walking back & forth apparently in front of the object. The two figures then seemed to come together and disappeared in front of the object. After 15 minutes the object left.
Source:  Silvia Perez Simondini

Date: November 30 1991
Location:  Near Delavan, Wisconsin
Time:  1000A
Summary:  A man and his wife driving on highway 11 spotted a strange creature that crossed the road in front of their vehicle. It was described as a large black furry wolf-like creature, which had a terrible unkempt look, it ran on all fours as it quickly ran into the brush.
Source:   Linda S Godfrey, Strange Magazine # 11

Date:  late November 1991
Location:  Carolina Puerto Rico
Time:  2100
Summary:  The witness was en route to a store on a roadway along a rural area when he heard some noises coming from the nearby brush. He looked in the direction of the noises and saw two strange looking short creatures. They were 3-foot tall and were wearing a tight fitting silvery outfit that was very shiny. Their heads were large and they had large pointed ears, they also had large bright white eyes. The witness did not notice a mouth or a nose. Both of the creatures were encased in a mild glow. The beings were collecting plant and rock samples and putting them in a small vase-like container. The beings suddenly noticed the witness and ran through the brush, quickly disappearing from sight.
Source:   Jose Perez, Jorge Martin, Jorge Berrios, Enigma # 49

Date: November 1991